Fusha East

1065 1st Ave

Fusha East Details

The completely modern renovated Fusha Restaurant embodies a combination of excellent food and outstanding service, set in contemporary yet intimate and comfortable seating. Over 1300 square of up to 120 quests, it is a perfect place in the upper east side for business lunches, corporate events, and other special occasions such as wedding or anniversaries. With the intimate full bar inside, Fusha servers a variety cocktails that may be comfortably enjoyed in private. The exotic flavors of South East Asia cuisines, Fusha Restaurant provides you with the highest standards of fine Pan Asian dining. We offer authentic Japanese and Asian cuisines with samplings, from the regions like Malaysia, Thai and Vietnam, are exclusively prepared and elegantly presented along with gracious services.

Fusha East
1065 1st Ave
New York, NY 10022+2201
Editorial Rating
This Week's Hours
Daily: 12:00pm-3:00pm

Daily: 5:00pm-11:45pm

Fusha East Map


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