Torah Tropical
Young, charismatic parents Isska and Menajem, along with their daughters Ruth and Jaia,are the model family of Beit David, their community of Orthodox Jewish converts in Cali,Colombia.Despite the fact that Israel won't recognise their conversions, Isska and Menajem arewilling to do whatever it takes to be accepted as "real Jews".In the midst of Cali's most violent year in a decade, Isska and Menajem feel that it's nowor never to leave Colombia and find more stability for their daughters.Because Latin American Orthodox converts are often turned away by Israeli borderpatrol, the family concocts a plan for getting through: disguising themselves as Christiantourists visiting for Easter.With nerves stretched to a breaking point, the family embarks on a trip to the PromisedLand that will put their faith to the ultimate test, and change their lives forever.Torah Tropical tells the universal story of searching for identity and belonging in the faceof adversity. Through Isska and Menajem's struggle to give their daughters a better life,the consequences of economic, racial and religious exclusion are explored with poeticintimacy, inviting audiences to fall in love with a family that defies stereotypes andinspires us to find hope in the middle of the world's cruelest intersections.
GENRE: Documentary
No Rating
RELEASE DATE: July 23, 2024
DIRECTOR(S): Gloria Nancy Monsalve